Should you Attend this Beginners Photography Course?
If you’re here, I’m sure you are interested in learning to take better photographs. More specifically, you’re probably wondering whether or not attending one of my photography training courses is the best way to learn.
The fact is, the Beginners Photography Course might be a good course for you, but also, it might not. It really depends on your own situation.
Depending on how much knowledge you have with your DSLR camera and how much confidence you have, it could well be the one thing that make you a much better photographer, but if you think you prefer learning from reading books then it might not be.
The world of digital photography can be a confusing place that discourages many people who are just starting out. Probably the most difficult thing for beginners is actually finding useful information and courses that aren’t filled with out-dated information.
Many photography courses for beginners are run by people who don’t actually do photography as a profession or even much personal photography. They often sell the the promise of teaching you to take brilliant photographs without any effort on your part. The fact is that, too many courses that are run can be a waste of your hard-earned money.
But don’t fret, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any legitimate courses available. In fact, there are truly photography professionals around the country that actually go out of their way to create great courses that show their students simple photography techniques that do work.
One of the most popular DSLR courses around is without a doubt my Beginner’s Photography Course, which I have been running since 2007 and has been attended by nearly 1,000 new photographers.
But at this stage you may still be wondering if this course is actually worth it or if it is just another one of those courses run by a photographer who has nothing else to do.
So, who am I?
I’m Jeff Turnbull and I’m a full-time photographer at Jeff Turnbull Photography and a qualified member of the Master Photographers Association. My first step into professional photography was when I introduced to the market Photo Shoot Parties for teenager’s birthdays. From there I started providing family portraits, charity & commercial photography before moving into wedding photography.
All the while I was meeting people who were saying that that had bought a new DSLR camera but just didn’t really know how to use it. They said that when they read their users manual about ISO, metering, aperture, shutter speed and all the other various functions on their camera it just didn’t make sense. Add to that, they couldn’t get to grips with even basic composition to help them take more interesting photographs.
I was then asked by some of my clients if I would run a course to teach them how to use their DSLR camera. In my corporate days I used to develop and deliver management-training courses so the idea of providing photography training for new photographers really excited me.
So what is covered on the Beginners DSLR Photography Course?
Simply put, this course teaches you in a step by step way how to get away from using the fully auto setting on your camera. Showing you the essential functions, you will learn to take much better photos. In addition I will teach you the secrets to great composition so that you will go from taking ordinary snaps to fantastic photographs.
The course is delivered over two days, which can be attended together as most students do, or in different months. On both days there are on location practical sessions allowing students put into practise the photography techniques they have learnt. In addition it allows me to spend some one to one time with them to discuss and make suggestions on their preferred area of photography.
Who Would Benefit from attending this course?
This course is perfect for those who have recently purchased a new Digital SLR camera or may have had one for a while but are still using their camera on the auto mode. If you enjoy meeting other like-minded people and like to make new photography friends then this beginner’s course is definitely for you.
The course is regularly updated to go into more detail on the needs of the latest cameras, techniques and photography trends, which has helped it remain the most popular beginners photography course in Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.
If you’re ready to book then please head over to my beginner’s photography course page for more information and to book your place.
If you already have a good knowledge of your camera and how to take photographs then I have other photography courses that you may find of interest. These include my Studio Portraits Course, my Lifestyle Portrait Course and my highly acclaimed Wedding Photography Course – which has been the starting point for many wedding photographers.
If you have any questions then I’d love to hear from you and I can be contacted by telephone on 07961 100 580 or you can email me directly at