Beginners Photography Course Tips: Composition
On my Beginners Photography Course we look at composition and the Rule of Thirds is one of the first techniques that a budding photographer can learn.
But what exactly is the Rule of Thirds?
When looking through your viewfinder imagine dividing the image that you see into thirds both vertically and Horizontally.
As you can see in the examples below, you can either have your thirds going from left to right or from top to bottom, bit also notice the there intersect each other.
The objective is to either find a point of interest and place it where the intersection meets or on one of the vertical or horizontal lines.
Rule of Thirds Tips 1: In the example below you will see that I have placed the plane on the right hand intersection rule of thirds. But why would I do this?
Well, by placing the airplane there it firstly shows you the setting that it is in but also by having having the airplane coming from the right the photograph tells you that the airplane is going somewhere. I could also have placed the airplane on the left rule of thirds intersection, leaving the scene, to show the plane has been somewhere.
Rule of Thirds Tips 2: Take a look at the photograph below and you will see that this time I have placed the horizon along the bottom rule of thirds. One reason that I have done this is to create scale, to show that in the grand scheme of things, with the skies above, the sculpture is quite small. But secondly, I love the bold contrast of the green grass and the rich blue skies.
I really hope you found this interesting and helpful.
On the two day Beginners Photography Course I cover six other creative composition tips and techniques to help you take amazing and creative photographs.